So after a while of posting WISP comics, someone on Newgrounds finally scouted our work. As such, WISP will be appearing more in the art portal. I'm curious how that is going to be affecting things moving forward.
I will say, we have at least one more short in this batch before we drop another large comic like 'shopping trip' or 'mental magic class'. I hope you all look forward to it.
With that said, is there anything you'd like to ask or see from the Miscast? I will say the 'shopping trip' comic was a suggestion from one of our watchers on Deviantart, and that idea ended up being such a fun comic.
So, do you have any suggestions? Any questions we may be able to answer? I'll check in on this news update to see if you posted anything, and if we do use your suggestion, we will try to acknowledge you for the idea.
Looking forward to making more of this goody little fantasy series.